St Dominics Newcastle hosts Blood Drive

St Dominics Newcastle hosted a successful blood donation drive on July 11, 2024, in collaboration with the local blood bank, SANBS.

The event, which took place from 08:00 to 12:30, saw an impressive turnout, with 41 donors participating.

Their collective efforts resulted in 37 units of blood being collected, potentially saving up to 111 lives.

This noble act of giving aligns perfectly with the spirit of Mandela Day, celebrated annually on July 18.

Nelson Mandela devoted 67 years of his life to making the world a better place, and Mandela Day encourages people to spend at least 67 minutes doing something good for others.

Donating blood is a simple yet profound way to contribute to the community and uphold Mandela’s legacy of compassion and selflessness.

Every unit of blood donated has the potential to save up to three lives, making each contribution incredibly valuable.

Donating blood not only provides a lifeline to those in medical emergencies but also brings the community together in a shared mission of care and support.

St Dominics Newcastle extends its heartfelt gratitude to all the donors who participated and made a difference.

“Your generosity embodies the true spirit of Mandela Day, proving that a small act of kindness can have a far-reaching impact on the lives of others.”

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