Newcastle AdvertiserSchools

100% pass rate for 37 years at St Dominics Newcastle

The school is incredibly proud of its 40 learners in the Class of 2022 and wishes them all the best for their undoubtedly bright futures!

St Dominics Newcastle has achieved a 100% pass rate for 37 consecutive years.

The school is incredibly proud of its 40 learners in the Class of 2022 and wishes them all the best for their undoubtedly bright futures!

“To the class of 2022 – well done! We are proud of your achievements and congratulate you on building our legacy of excellence in education. The 37th year of 100% pass rate and a bachelor pass rate of 90% deserves special mention. We wish you many successes on your road ahead. ‘Veritas, to our motto always be true’.” – Mr Chad Moses, Executive Head.


  • 100% IEB pass rate for the past 37 years
  • 100% Tertiary exemption
  • 3 A aggregates
  • 12 B aggregates
  • 59 Subject A aggregates
  • 62 Subject B aggregates
  • 3 Learners obtained ‘A’ aggregates: Okuhlekonke Mncwabe, Shazana Badloo and Suhaan Singh

The following learners achieved 3 or more distinctions:

  • Shazana Badloo: 7 distinctions
  • Suhaan Singh: 6 distinctions
  • Okuhlekonke Mncwabe: 5 distinctions
  • Aisha Jadwat: 4 distinctions
  • Cusche Kok: 4 distinctions
  • Juandre Beukes: 3 distinctions
  • Lonathemba Mazibuko: 3 distinctions.
  • Congratulations to Cusche Kok, who is in the Top 1% in South Africa for Life Orientation.

The following subjects were above the IEB average:

  • Afrikaans FAL,
  • IsiZulu FAL,
  • Business Studies,
  • Geography
  • Life Orientation.

“Well done to the Class of 2022; the year where ‘patience, persistence and perspiration made an unbeatable combination for success’ – Napoleon Hill. Your trait of perseverance has culminated in some outstanding results. We are proud of each one of you. As you step into a new chapter, use your voice for change. Be passionate and persist.” – Ms Needha Hurrichand, Operational Head of High School.

See photos here:

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