Mnelisi Gamede is a rising rugby star with a vision for greatness

In the highly competitive rugby world, young and unique talent such as Newcastle-born and bred Mnelisi Gamede most certainly stands out.

Embodying the epitome of resilience, determination, and ambition, Mnelisi (19), was recently selected to play for the Mpumalanga Pumas Under-21 team.

Born on March 2 2005 and raised in Newcastle, life wasn’t always easy for Mnelisi who had to change primary schools a few times but it was during this time that his potential began to show.

Teachers and coaches at Arbor Park Primary School took note of not only his talent but his passion too. Through their encouragement and support, he eventually earned a scholarship to Glenwood High School in Durban, which would ultimately reshape his future.

Mnelisi says he found his love for the sport specifically in Grade 7, thanks to his coaches, Mr. van Niekerk and Mr. Swartz.

“They didn’t just teach me the sport; they lit a fire inside me, igniting a true passion for the game,” he said. “Rugby became more than just a sport to me. It became my escape and my own personal therapy in a way.”

This new-found passion motivated him to push boundaries, both on and off the field, ultimately shaping him into a well-rounded, focused, determined, and disciplined young lad who had no intentions of letting go of his aspirations and dreams. During his time at Glenwood,

Mnelisi encountered his mentor, who he said would go on to leave an everlasting imprint on his life and career.

This man was his Under 14 coach, Neil Jacobs, who taught him an unforgettable lesson, which was to believe in himself while always remaining humble and constantly keeping his ego in check.

These lessons helped keep him grounded and pushed him to strive for greatness without losing sight of who he was or where he came from.

Mnelisi said he has drawn inspiration from legendary players such as Cheslin Kolbè and Mark Telea, who he sees as his role models.

Watching them play their matches only motivates his enthusiasm on the field, where he tries his best to mirror the excellence of their performances.

Rugby has become a cornerstone for Mnelisi, who said it was not just a game; it was a life lesson, a source of strength, and a place where an athlete could grow.

“Rugby has taught me the right values in life and it has helped me grow as a person. The more I put into the sport, the more it gives back to me,” he said.

Having played club rugby for the Newcastle Boschpick Highlanders, Mnelisi has continued to climb the ladder of success in the world of professional rugby, carrying with him the hopes and dreams of all the young aspiring players in his own community.

He doesn’t just see himself as a rugby player but also as a mentor and a possible role model for all the young athletes who will someday follow in his footsteps.

“My role for the young players who come after me is to be there for them and make myself available when they need me.” Asked how he mentally and physically prepares himself for the intense demands of professional rugby, he told the Advertiser that ‘it is a case of daily preparation’. “Mentally I always remind myself of my mother’s words: ‘God that made you is perfect and makes no mistakes so not believing in myself means not to believe in Him’.

“I am always looking to improve by working on a cooler head and to be calmer in a game so that I can make the right decision and control the game.”

Moving forward, Mnelisi said he had a clear vision for his future – to remain focused and embrace every single challenge thrown his way.

“I will keep my head up so that I continue to see the bigger picture in front of me,” he stated.

“Stand fast in your faith and have courage in everything you do” is the life motto Mnelisi lives by, as it’s his reminder to always stay true to himself no matter what lies ahead of him.

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