Streetlights take centre stage in the fight against crime

A roster was drawn up to provide a realistic schedule for the continuation of the streetlight repair programme

One of the major challenges facing AbaQulusi Municipality’s Electrical Department is theft and vandalism of municipal infrastructure.
This type of criminal activity is not only a costly nuisance to the municipality, but also a major inconvenience to consumers, who are often affected by power outages as a result of cable theft and vandalism.
Another ongoing challenge is the availability of equipment.
Both of these issues were brought to light at a recent meeting called by Mayor SE Mkhwanazi to address certain electrical issues that had highlighted the need for urgent intervention and strategising between Technical Services and councillors of AbaQulusi Municipality.
Subsequently, a roster was drawn up to provide a realistic schedule for the continuation of the streetlight repair programme that had been underway prior to massive storm damage in outlying areas, which required the use of the bucket truck.
As per this schedule, which is based on the availability of the bucket truck, streetlight repairs are set to be carried out as follows:
July 21 to 25: Bhekuzulu;
July 28 to August 2: Lakeside;
August 5 to 9: Vryheid;
August 12 to 16: Bhekuzulu;
August 19 to 23: Lakeside;
August 26 to 30: Vryheid.

ALSO READ: Municipal manager resumes permanent position in municipality

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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