Persistent water leaks anger White Road residents

Clean water is going to waste while the town goes through a water crisis

Residents are frustrated by two water leaks in White Road that have been leaking for months and nothing ever gets done about the situation.

The leaks have been reported by different members of the community, but clean water keeps on being wasted on a daily basis.

One of the water leaks in White Road.

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The leaks have created cracks in the road surface and water is coming up from underground.

“We have called the municipality and complained so many times, but nothing seems to be done. What makes the matter worse is that gallons of clean water is going to waste on a daily basis while the town experiences water shortages. How does this make sense?” said a bystander.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area.

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