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Butterflies are a reminder of the beauty of nature

When developing your gardens at home, consider planting a range of indigenous plants. Read more here:

Lately I have noticed many butterflies feeding from the flowers in our garden here in Newcastle – at least six different species in the last two weeks.

Most people love to see butterflies in their environment and these colourful visitors are loved by adults and children alike, reminding us of the abundant beauty of nature.

“A few people have asked me why I have so many in the garden and the answer is quite simple: I garden to attract them”

Basically I have planted a variety of different species to not only provide flowers throughout the year for the adult butterflies to feed from but also food for their larvae (caterpillars) to flourish.

I also do not use any pesticides or herbicides, and this allows the insect life (which include butterflies) to live comfortably in the environment with me.

When developing your gardens at home, consider planting a range of indigenous plants, interspersed with exotic favourites to provide the habitat and food for these amazing little creatures all year round.

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