Newcastle encourages reading amongst its residents

In celebration of World’s Book and Copyright Day, the Newcastle Municipality held a successful event at the Newcastle Town Hall on April 23

In conjunction with the Department of Sports, Arts and Recreation, World’s Book and Copyright Day is aimed at encouraging a culture of reading in the community.

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the purpose of the day is to encourage people to read and appreciate books. Around the world, celebrations are held to honour the diversity of books.

Present at the event were local novelist, publishers, artists, officials etc.

Facts about World Book and Copyright Day

23 April is a symbolic date in world literature. It is the date on which several prominent authors, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, all died.

The date was chosen at a UNESCO General conference held in Paris in 1995.

In a statement, UNESCO’S Director General, Audrey Azoulay, spoke on the day and the importance of books.

“Books are invitations to travel and to encountering others: with each new page turned, another world appears before our eyes.”

“Books,  in  all  their  forms,  allow  us  to  learn  and  to  keep  ourselves  informed.  They also entertain us and help us to understand the world, while offering a window into otherness.”

She also focused on printing more books in indigenous languages especially in Africa.

“For  books  to  be  able  to  unleash  their  full  potential,  it  is  essential  that  they  reflect  the  linguistic  diversity  of  our  world.  However,  this  is  far  from  being  the  case  today;  the  majority  of  works  are  published  in  just  a  handful  of  languages,  and  digital  technology  raises the issue of linguistic homogenization .“

Numerous benefits of reading have been demonstrated, including an increase in IQ and brainpower.

Reading has also been demonstrated to assist reduce the rate at which Alzheimer’s disease progresses and to promote relaxation.

For those suffering from insomnia, reading can help you doze off without counting sheep.

For full reading

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