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Looking for a hangover cure?

Here are a few quick fixes for your excessive intake of festive beverages

If you had too much to drink over New Year, you know that some of the morning-after consequences can be less than pleasant. Here are a few hangover cures for those of you who overindulged…


The reason you’re feeling so bad is that you’re dehydrated. Drink lots of water, juice or coconut water to replace your electrolytes. A great option is to use your blender or juicer to make a hydrating and nutritious drink that will get you back on your feet fast. Bananas, blueberries, leafy greens, and other fruits and vegetables contain a lot of nutrients that your body is lacking and are easily blended into a delicious shake. Your liver could also use some help in the form of liquids to flush out all those toxins you pumped into your system last night.

Eat Breakfast

Even if you’re feeling a bit queasy, your body could use some protein and minerals to recover. Start with something bland like toast, saltines or pretzels and when you feel you can handle it, eat chicken soup or even plain broth. Neglecting your body will certainly not help it recover, so supplying much-needed nutrients is good for you in the long-run.


Alka-Seltzer has been used to treat hangovers for over 85 years. Those suffering from hangover nausea will surely welcome this medicine, which neutralises stomach acid, reducing queasiness and making an unhappy belly a little happier.


Add ginger to juice or a shake, or make ginger tea to calm an angry gut. For centuries, people have been using ginger for its anti-nausea and anti-vomiting effects. If you want to sweeten your ginger tea, add honey to it. The fructose in the honey will help metabolise any alcohol left in your system.

Get Moving

All those toxins left over in your body are making you feel sick, and up to a third of them can be eliminated through your skin. Light sweat-induced exercise will help rid your body of toxins more quickly. Just make sure to stay hydrated by drinking a sports drink or coconut water, which contains electrolytes that need to be replaced.

Take a Nap

If you can afford the extra hour or two for a nap, going back to bed during the day can significantly reduce hangover symptoms like a headache and light sensitivity. If you were out late partying, the lack of sleep you’re experiencing is not doing any good to your immune system and might be making you feel sicker. Give your body the rest it needs and let it heal with sleep. You’ll feel a lot better when you wake up from a nap.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area.

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