How to prepare the kids for your holiday trip

The little ones should feel involved in the decision-making

At this time of year, many families go away on holiday.

The goal is obviously to have a good time and do some family bonding.

The first thing to decide upon is the destination. Make sure that your holiday destination accommodates your children and that they will not be bored.

There should be fun activities to keep them busy.

Secondly, make them (the kids) feel they are part of the decision-making process so that they feel happier about the whole experience and not feel they are just being dragged along.

Thirdly, help your little ones choose the right clothes to wear, depending on the weather, etc.

Lastly, bring along items you know they will like, such as board games. Occupying their time and keeping them smiling will help the adults have a more enjoyable rest period as well.

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