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What’s on: What’s happening in and around Endumeni

Add these social events to your weekly calendar.

December 15:
Ghostly night at the museum
You can enjoy a night just like the movies of the same name! Talana Museum will host a night at the museum, complete with ghostly apparitions, from 19:00 to 20:30. Ann Smith is said to walk around the historic Smith Cottage, carrying a candle to light her way. Hamish Smith wanders around Talana house.
There are also some unsettled ghosts of the British soldiers who perished at the Battle of Talana. Not convinced?
Come and see for yourself. Contact the museum on 034 212 2654.
Desember 15 en 16:
Bloedrivier geloftefees program
December 15: 10:00 – Boeresport, 13:00 – Middagete, 14:00 – Volkspele; 16:00 – Perdesport; 18:00 – Lanternloop na wa-laer, gelofte aflê, kanonskoot; 19:00 – Geskiedenisvasvra finaal, 20:00 – Boeresokkie.
December 16: 6:00 – Biduur, 08:30 – Voorsang en erediens; 10:30 – Wa-laer program: Perdekommando, vlagvoorstelling, kranslegging, gelofte-aflegging, vertelling, demonstrastrasie met voorlaaieres en Grietjie kanon, oorhandiing van ‘weeskind’, kanonvertoning.

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