Clean-up crusaders call on community to assist

For more information or sponsorships contact Helga Meyer on 083 703 0915.

While many residents complaint about littering in the town and the vandalising of rubbish bins and electrical boxes, a group of local women have decided to make a difference.
Helga Meyer, together with her Bible Study group, started their clean-up project in November last year when they walked through town to get rid of the ‘abortion’ and other stickers adorning rubbish bins, electrical boxes and lamp poles.

Helga realised that when the rubbish bins are ‘beautified’, it tends to deter the culprits from sticking on their offensive posters. She approached the municipality to gain permission to erect advertisements on the bins and after three months she finally got the go-ahead. This group of women are also planning to paint the electrical boxes that have clearly been neglected for many years.
Helga and her group calls the initiative ‘Hope for Vryheid – Tidy Town Crusade’ and invite the community to participate in the next clean-up event on October 22 starting at 08:00 from Kerkplein (Church Square) in Kerk Street.

What do they need?

They request that anyone with ‘bakkie sakkies’, pressure cleaners and generators attends from 08:00 to assist with taking down all the posters on the electrical boxes, lamp poles and rubbish bins.

Sandpaper will be needed to clean off all the rust from the electrical boxes and paint with a rust-coat.

At 13:00 everyone is welcome to start picking up the rubbish in the central business area (CBD) – between Utrecht and Mark Streets, and between President and Oos Streets.

Bring along scrapers, plastic rubbish bags and brooms.

“We urge the community to refrain from putting any stickers or advertisements on any building, rubbish bins, lamp poles or electrical boxes. This is an illegal practice and it defaces our once beautiful and clean town,” Helga stressed.

For more information or sponsorships contact Helga Meyer on 083 703 0915.

ALSO READ: Community steps in to clean

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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