Aviary Hill pipeline project to alleviate towns water woes by 2024

More than R12 million has been allocated to a water pipeline project which will ensure residents experience less burst water pipes in the near future.

According to the Newcastle Municipality’s Communications Unit, on the weekend of October 7, the Newcastle Municipality experienced several burst pipes in the vicinity of Newcastle West.

“The burst pipes interrupted the supply of water, in mainly Aviary Hill, Schuinshoogte, and Pioneer Park. Our technical team worked tirelessly to ensure that water was restored, and water tankers were dispatched to the affected area while waiting for the restoration of water supply,” the statement said.The municipality apologised to those affected and pleaded with the residents to use ‘water sparingly and wisely to assist the bulk water system and reservoirs in recovering as quickly as possible.”

They assured residents that the pipe replacement and upgrade phase two projects in Aviary Hill, which will mitigate burst pipe occurrences, is currently in progress.

The project, costing R12,651,700,94, which is being implemented by Urban and Rural Construction, should be completed by March 2024.

“The contractor has completed 8.4km to date out of 12,19 km, with no challenges reported thus far,” the municipality confirmed.

Residents are encouraged to report any water and sewer-related complaints to the Municipal Call Centre at 087 740 8839.

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