Dam levels in KZN

Spioenkop Dam is 98% full

Water levels in KwaZulu-Natal have remained stable amid the current winter season, with the province’s storage capacity recording 90.9% (from last week’s 91.1%).

Meanwhile, the main water supply system, Umgeni – which provides water to five dams in the province – has recorded a minimal decrease from 98.0% in the previous week to 97.5% this week.

Albert-Falls Dam, which supplies water to the eThekwini Metro and surrounding areas, is unchanged from last week’s 99.8%.

Midmar Dam on the Mgeni River has marginally decreased from 97.0% to 96.8%, while Nagle Dam is at 98.2% (down from 99.9%).

Driel Barrage Dam on the Tugela River has slightly increased from 93.4% to 95.0%, while Craigie Burn, Zaaihoek and Bivane dams are unmoved from last week’s 100.4%, 90.6% and 100.5% respectively.

Further afield, Hazelmere Dam (which provides water to KZN’s North Coast) stands at 59.1% from last week’s 59.4%. When compared to a similar period last year, it stood at 53.1%.

Residents are called to continue using water sparingly, refrain from vandalising water infrastructure, and report water leaks to local authorities while the department continues to work collaboratively with provincial and local governments to ensure water security in the province.


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