ANC denies assault allegations against councillor

The IFP claims that the councillor attacked a resident after accusing him of persuading people to become IFP members

The ANC has denied allegations by the IFP that an ANC Ward councillor based in Steadville assaulted a member of the community.

This comes after the IFP issued a statement to that effect.

According to the IFP, the councillor brutally attacked the community member in a public space after accusing him of persuading people to become IFP members.

“Ever since the leaders of the ANC lost power within the municipality, they have opted to express their loss through anger and became violent towards community members. This concerns us as the IFP. Not so long ago, Cllr Sithole of Ward 9 opened fire and injured members of the community. His case is currently being handled by the court,” said IFP caucus chairperson Cllr M Khoza.

ANC spokesperson Bheki Khanyile countered that these allegations are baseless and false.

“This community member approached the ward councillor, complaining about the working conditions in the ongoing pit toilet project within the ward in the Thembalihle area. The councillor committed to do a follow-up to see what intervention can be made. Before he could do that, to his surprise, the IFP had issued a statement accusing him of assaulting the same person who was launching the complaint.”

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Khanyile added that they will be opening a case against the involved community member. “The IFP is desperately doing everything in their power to get a by-election and they are using the community. At first, they made community members open cases against the Ward 9 councillor. Seeing that they are not winning with that, they are now targeting other ANC councillors.”

He said they now fear for their councillors’ safety. “It is worrying because should they fail with all these attempts, it is clear that they are capable of doing worse. Should anything happen to our councillor, the IFP will have a case to answer,” concluded Khanyile.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area.

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