Asbestos roof removal set for May

A Health & Safety Plan has been finalised by the contractor and is currently being assessed by an agent before it is submitted to the Labour Department

Patience and protest action have marked the years-long wait for the removal of asbestos roofing from 352 houses in Estcourt.

When the MEC held a meeting in Estcourt last year, he promised those present that the removal of the asbestos roofing from 110 homes in Colita and 242 in Forderville would kick off by the end of November 2022.

However, more delays plagued the Colita and Forderville Pre-1994 Rectification Project and during a meeting in December last year, a representative from the Human Settlements Department told residents that the project would likely begin in earnest in the new year after the appointment of a project manager.

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Responding to follow-up questions relating to the asbestos roof removal of 110 homes in Colita and 242 in Forderville, spokesperson for the MEC of Human Settlements Mlungisi Khumalo said it was a matter of months before the project begins.

“The department concluded the appointment of the project managers on January 20, who are GWI Project Managers,” he confirmed.

A Health & Safety Plan has been finalised by the contractor and is currently being assessed by an agent before it is submitted to the Labour Department.

Once this plan has been submitted to the Labour Department and has been approved, a Construction Work Permit will be issued. This will mean that residents will start seeing work on the ground.

“It is anticipated that the rehabilitation works will commence on approval of the Construction Work Permit in May 2023. “It will entail the removal and disposal of asbestos, and replacement with appropriate roof cover,” commented Khumalo.


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