Dundee State Indian High School’s ‘Class of 1968’ reunites after more than five decades

Professor Dhiru V Soni, a former student, assisted in rekindling school friendships, reminiscing about old times, paying homage to dearly departed friends, celebrating the successful life journeys of fellow colleagues, and providing opportunities to expand professional and social networks.

The ‘Class of 1968’ at Dundee State Indian High School celebrated its first reunion in 54 years in December at the prestigious Zimbali Golf Estate. Professor Dhiru V Soni, a former student, assisted in rekindling school friendships, reminiscing about old times, paying homage to dearly departed friends, celebrating the successful life journeys of fellow colleagues, and providing opportunities to expand professional and social networks.
The event was superbly organised by Pat and Helen Pillay, Avi Ramgoolam, Radha Pillay, Sabera Bahadur and Sam Pillay to celebrate camaraderie.
Pat and Helen Pillay graciously hosted the function, and Dharam Sewraj (who was the Master of Ceremonies) was ably assisted by Avi Ramgoolam and Sam Pillay.
The evergreen Dharam was at his brilliant best as a storyteller when he provided a ‘down-to-earth’ overview of life in Dundee during the 1960s through his childhood escapades.
It exemplified how – through trials and tribulations, love, empathy, and mentorship from elders of the community and pastoral care from their educators – members of the ‘Class of 1968’ (through sheer resilience) were able to endure and become successful citizens of the close-knit community of Dundee and beyond.
Life experience not only held members of the class in good stead, but also liberated them from petty prejudices of class and ethnic differentiation to become true citizens of the world. Eloquent educator Demla Vinden (a daughter of a family of educators) provided a snapshot perspective of the ‘way of life’ in Dundee. Using a map as her guide, she was able to explain the social, economic and physical ecosystem of Dundee, and how the imposing hills of the physical topography provided a picturesque view of the town which, sadly, has suffered through the closure of many industries over the years.
Close-knit community
MD Nair, another educator of note, also reminisced about the close-knit community of the town and how empathy underscored the education of children at the school. He believes that the school provided education for life and he was proud to see so many of his successful protégés at the function.
Pat Pillay offered his heartfelt thanks to the organising committee, the Master of Ceremonies and all those who attended.
He referred to each member of the extended Dundee family present at the function and spoke about how they and their families played an important part in his life and personal development.
He implored the guests to use the opportunity to catch up with old friends and reminisce about old times.
He exhorted members to cherish the concept of ‘family’, especially at a time when the social unit is under severe strain, and use the opportunity provided by the reunion to provide support for their fellow members. He also urged members to use chat groups and any other form of social communication to keep in touch with their extended Dundee family and become change-makers.
“For those members of the ‘Class of 1968’ who (as a result of unforeseen circumstances) were unable to attend the event, we urge you to contact the organising committee to become an integral part of the ‘Extended Dundee Family’. I am certain that all present at the reunion will also join hands with me in expressing our heartfelt gratitude to the ‘Class of Dundee State Indian High School of 1968’ for their first reunion after 54 years,” said Professor Dhiru V Soni.
Soni concluded by saying that he wishes to pay homage to an amiable couple, Pat and Helen, who not only kindheartedly sponsored the event, but were charming hosts.
“You guys never forgot where you came from and that will always be your enduring legacy,” he said with a big smile.

Dundee State Indian High School’s Golden Jubilee – the ‘Class of 1968’.
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