Riverdale learners learn about rabies prevention

The importance of vaccinating pets against rabies was emphasised

Estcourt Animal Shelter (EAS) partnered with Mooi River SPCA for a rabies awareness campaign that was held recently.

The team visited Riverdale Primary School in Rensburg to enlighten the learners about pet care, as well as the dangers of the deadly rabies virus.

“The children were very engaging and the messages were well received. We, at EAS, would like to thank the staff of Riverdale for allowing us the opportunity to inform their children and in turn their community of this important animal healthcare challenge,” said shelter chairperson Leigh Fortmann.


Mr K Mabaso (EAS volunteer), Mrs YT Mkhize, Mr P Majola (Mooi River SPCA field officer), Mrs Z Mfusi, Mrs L Fortmann (EAS chairperson) and Mr S Mabaso (EAS volunteer).

World Rabies Day was commemorated on September 28, with the theme ‘One Health, Zero Deaths’.

“Vaccination makes this a completely manageable disease. However, it’s at the discretion of the pet owner to take the necessary steps to make sure that their pets get the treatment they need in order to be covered against infection and in that way keep their human family safe too,” added Fortmann.

Signs of rabies include depression, salivation and inability to swallow, dropping of the lower jaw, and paralysis or weakness of the legs.

The rabies virus can be spread in saliva three to six days before an infected animal shows clinical signs of the disease.

The shelter plans to spread the word about combating rabies during various upcoming outreach and awareness programmes.


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