Municipal workers encouraged to study

"This is the primary way, as the municipality, to ensure that our people are able to put bread on the table for their families"

Alfred Duma Local Municipality leadership recently met and congratulated the Job Creation programme employees on a job well done in improving the image of our town by ensuring its cleanliness. The employees were also encouraged to further their education in order to take advantage of better opportunities.

Through this programme, the municipality is creating short-term opportunities while at the same time encouraging all part-time or contract employees to equip themselves with skills and knowledge by enrolling in short courses that will enable them to obtain stronger qualifications.

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According to the municipality, this should be the start of a better future for everyone.

The Job Creation programme has no grant from provincial and national government, but is paid for through council funding.

As the end of Women’s Month draws closer, the municipality also feels that the issue of gender-based violence should be addressed on a daily basis. “We must lead in our homes by being good examples in protecting and caring for women and children. Lastly, we must care for people living with disabilities and our senior citizens,” was the message at the event.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area.

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