Leak angers residents of Bengal Road

Residents say that clean drinking water is going to waste and the wet road is unsafe for motorists

There is a major water leak in Bengal Road.

It appears as though the water has been flowing onto the road since this morning (July 29). The source of the leak is unknown at this stage.

Residents are complaining that clean drinking water is going to waste.

Also read: Municipal offices open on Saturday

“Although we still have water from our taps, we would like the problem to be solved as quickly as possible, as driving through the growing puddle in the middle of the road is not safe for motorists,” said one resident.

uThukela had not commented at the time of publishing this article.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area.

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