Ladysmith GazetteMunicipal

uThukela introduces borehole contractor in St Chad’s

The long-term objective is a conversion to a production borehole

As water shortages hit areas across the district, the leadership of uThukela say they are moving faster to assist those who are severely affected through the drilling of boreholes.

This comes after Mayor Inkosi NB Shabalala, Water & Sanitation Portfolio chairperson Cllr MM Khoza, Cllr SV Shabalala, Municipal Manager Mr LS Jili and Manager: Executive Support Mr S Masoka introduced Mayibuye Drilling as the contractor that will drill a borehole in the Gudlintaba area of St Chad’s.

According to Mayor Shabalala, this will serve as a normal borehole for a while, but the long-term objective will be to convert it to a production borehole.

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This will pump water into the reservoir located high up in the mountain. It will then be connected to multiple stand pipes in areas like Gudlintaba, Ncinjane and Ngoje. Currently, these areas are not receiving water supply as required. According to Ward Cllr Xaba, only the lower-lying sections of Gudlintaba are receiving constant water.

About eight boreholes have been drilled recently in Alfred Duma Local Municipality. The main purpose is to augment water supply and demand.

uThukela District Municipality say they are working to ensure that all communities have access to water.

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