Municipality remains silent about town rehab project

The Town Rehabilitation Programme has come to a halt

It was amid speeches and photos, words of encouragement and some heavy lifting for municipal leadership when the Town Rehabilitation Programme was launched on April 26.

SEE: Mayor launches town rehab programme in Estcourt

Since then, there has been slow and at times no progress in implementing this much-needed project.

During the launch held in Albert Street, one of the town’s more badly damaged road, municipal management committed itself to fulfilling the duties of road repairs however, questions relating to feedback have been repeatedly ignored by Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality.
During its last correspondence via the Estcourt News, the acting municipal manager Zakhona Ndlela said that there had been challenges of insufficient material and equipment breakdowns.

Seeing no progress with the road repairs, an Estcourt resident called the Estcourt News at the beginning of July and asked that feedback from the municipality be made public.

“Is the programme still operational and if so, where have roads been repaired? How many teams are out each day attending to the roads? What is happening in Canna Avenue (going up the Forderville hill)? The road has been prepped for filling but it’s been more than a month since repairs and a portion of the road near the Forderville Clinic is becoming very hazardous,” commented the resident.

He asked that the municipality can be frank with residents and reveal if this programme is actually going to be finished? And if so, what is the expected time frame.


ALSO READ: Slow progress with road rehab project

These sentiments were sent to the municipality’s Communication Unit on July 1. It has also been sent to the office of the acting municipal manager. A request for assistance was also sent to Mayor Mduduzi Myeza.

None of these requests have been met with a response.


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