CrimeVryheid Herald

Strangled woman’s body found under mattress

It is alleged that the deceased demanded R400 from the suspect after having sex with him

A woman was strangled to death on Monday last week in Hlobane.
It is alleged that the woman met a man at a tavern in Vryheid. They went to the Ebaqulusini area of Hlobane, where a man who is related to the woman joined them at the suspect’s house. The woman allegedly told him that she had sexual intercourse with the suspect. Around about this time, the man left the premises to go to another relative’s home, nearby.
The following morning, he went looking for the woman and found her body under the suspect’s bed. The suspect allegedly threatened to kill him too if he told anyone. Nevertheless, he told some of his relatives, who contacted the police.
It is alleged that the deceased demanded R400 from the suspect after having sex with him. It is believed that the suspect did not have the money and the woman told him she was going to open a case of rape against him. In the early hours of that Monday morning, the suspect strangled the woman with a piece of rope. He hid her body under his mattress and slept on top of her.
There were visible injuries to the woman’s neck and shoulder.

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The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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