Anti-crime drive concludes on a high note

This anti-crime drive was held in seven of the 16 stations within the district

42 arrests and an array of recoveries marked the end to a successful ‘Operation Shanela’ that was held in various towns in the Uthukela District. This anti-crime drive was held in seven of the 16 stations within the district – with Estcourt, Winterton and Amangwe (Loskop) being among them.

Beginning on Thursday (July 13), operations continued throughout the weekend, before concluding on Sunday (July 16).

Police officers were engaged in a range of crime-fighting programmes, as explained by SAPS spokesperson Warrant Officer Basheer Khan.

“The high-density operations continued through regular ‘stop and searches’; vehicle checkpoints; roadblocks; cordon and searches; high visibility patrols that included foot patrols; tracing of wanted suspects, with a focus on the apprehension of murder and rape suspects; compliance inspections at liquor outlets, businesses and second-hand goods dealers.”

Officers from all stations achieved positive results. 42 people were arrested for offences including murder, armed robbery, possession of drugs, rape, and dealing in liquor without a licence.

During Operation Shanela, several illegal liquor outlets were closed and a large amount of alcohol was confiscated. Drugs and ammunition were also recovered.

“These high-density operations are making a huge dent in crime and are here to stay,” said the Uthukela District Commissioner, Major General Jabulani Khumalo.

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