One arrested for Wembezi murder

Police received valuable information, which led to the arrest

Police have confirmed that one person has been arrested for the murder of Zandile (Nokwa) Nils.

The 31-year-year was stabbed to death and her body was later discovered by community members in the Bantwana Section of Wembezi on February 26.

READ: Wembezi woman stabbed to death

Wembezi detectives that were assigned the investigation received valuable information from the community.

“Thorough investigative work and swift action by detectives lead to the arrest of a 40-year-old suspect on March 1,” said police spokesperson Warrant Officer Basheer Khan.

The suspect appeared in the Estcourt Magistrate’s Court, where he faces a charge of murder.

Investigations continue.

NOW SEE: Community unites to call for #JusticeForNokwa


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