Dundee Courier

Dundee’s internationally respected museum rescued from the brink

The Board of Trustees would like to invite community members who have spare time to become a “ Friend of Talana”. We could do with extra help from time to time. If you would like to become a “ Friend of Talana “ please contact the Curator, Siya Africa at 034 2122654. She will pass your names to the Board of Trustees.

Months  after the Courier reported that Dundee’s internationally-famed Talana Museum – the self-proclaimed historical jewel of Northern KZN – is threatened to become dysfunctional as funds are drying up, the situation has improved thanks to the main to generous private donors.
The late board of trustees chairperson, Pat Rundgren, said at the time that the museum had not received any of the funds allocated to us (from the local municipality / Department of Arts & Culture) for the running of the museum.

Following the collapse of the local and international tourism industry, prompted by the COVID-19 epidemic, international tour groups are beginning to trickle back. This benefits the Dundee area and greater Northern KZN through the ‘tourism rands’ generated.

Pam Mc Fadden the new board of trustees chairperson said she was pleased to report that the Museum had received generous donations to repair our lawnmowers and brush cutters, paint for ongoing maintenance projects, offers to type various Anglo-Boer War diaries and help with our archival work takes many hours of never ending work.

“Our lawns were also mowed by a kind farmer. Endumeni Municipality mowed the lawns just before our fundraiser in May and the grounds looked wonderful. Thank you to al the ladies who decorated their tables so beautifully and all the models and behind-the-scenes supporters.
“The water supply to the museum has been non-existent for the past 5 years and we have had to rely on water tankers filling the few rainwater tanks that we have. Water is then carried by buckets to the toilets every day – a very time-consuming business.
In the past 2 weeks, we have managed to acquire more rainwater tanks and these have all been installed and plumbed into the toilets. It is now possible to flush the toilets without having to manually fill the cisterns. Miners Rest now has its own dedicated rainwater tank with a backup supply. The rain in the past few days has filled many of these tanks.
“Many thanks again to everyone who heeded our call and also those community members who support our events. You are appreciated.
Our work at the museum is ongoing and we still need assistance with the following: typing of diaries, reading of old newspapers, archival work and digitizing and extra hands when we have events.”
Should anyone feel that they have special skills, a deep interest in the museum and would like to become of Trustee of the museum please also mention this to Siya, so that we can discuss the commitment that is required of Trustees.
Be on the lookout and save the date for our next event on October 19-20 which is Talana Weekend. Saturday, the 19th will be the fundraiser ( Look out around town for advertising flyers) and Sunday, October 20, will be a commemoration of the 125th year of the Battle of Talana.
The weekend ends on a high note with the ever-popular Ghost Walk.
You are all invited to join us at Talana for a really great fun-filled weekend.
HAVE YOUR SAY: Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and Instagram or email us at dundee.courier@caxton.co.za. Add us on WhatsApp 071 277 1394.
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Terry Worley

Editor: NKZN Courier, Newcastle Advertiser and Vryheid Herald.

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