MK outlines their vision for Endumeni following their domination of the vote in the national election

'MK will fervently keep to its election promises without fear or favour’.

Economic revival, proper town planning and a commitment to local development to create jobs in the depressed Umzinyathi region are high on the agenda of the uMkhonto we Sizwe party, MK, that grabbed over 51% of the vote in Endumeni in last month’s national election.

Sibusiso Skhakhane, MK convenor in the regional and now a member of the KZN Legislature, told the Courier that the party was ‘highly focused on getting the local economy turning again’ after suffering years of job losses through the closure of many mines and factories such as Consol, Alucab, Kilty’s and many more.

“MK is about positive change and keeping our campaign promises. We had many people turning their support to us because they were tired of the same old same old. We have to lift ourselves out of the depths of this depression but this requires change which is what we offer,” Skhakhane told the Courier.

The party is now looking forward to changing the dynamic in the Council when it competes in its first local government election in two years.

“Previously municipal officials were from the area which they served. This is no longer the case with friends of friends taking up top positions at municipalities and even travelling daily from out of town into Dundee to work. But do these people have the same commitment as those who live here? So many people here with skills do not get a chance and are forced to leave Endumeni to seek employment. We want to change this scenario.”

He said MK was humbled and thankful for the support they gained from South Africans across the board.

“We have seen what our leader, former President Zuma, achieved during his tenure (at leading the country) and want to see a change in direction. While campaigning here we saw that everyone was crying out for the same needs: water, infrastructure, electricity and of course jobs.

“We can only encourage investors to come here and establish factories if our infrastructure is intact. Sadly we have only seen it deteriorate in recent years.”


Asked about the future, he said the party was still awaiting the ruling regarding its objection to the election results and documents have been filed against the IEC in the High Court.

“We ask people to be patient while the court decides the way forward – a recount or a re-vote.”

Skhakhane said MK was positive about the future as the country makes its way on a new course.


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