Dundee Courier

Anita takes the chain of office at Dundee Rotary

There are around 1.2 million Rotarians in the world, who are in a position to improve society.

Anita da Silva is the new president of the Rotary Club of Dundee – a club that has a rich history of service in Dundee, dating back 70 years of charitable services to the community.

Anita was inducted at a formal induction dinner held on June 1 at the Dundee Golf Club.
With the theme for the 2024-2025 Rotary year (which starts on July 1) being ‘The Magic of Rotary’, Anita has the support of every Rotarian in Dundee, plus the many friends of Dundee.

Her board of directors are all Rotarians with experience in the major goal of Rotary, which is service to others and the environment.
The club has expanded and now sponsors an Interact Club at Dundee High School and an EarlyAct Club at Dundee Junior School. The international student exchange programme is legendary and continues to this day.

Watch the Courier for news of Rotary’s activities!

 Erich Thom

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