Dundee Courier

Browning Street, Dundee, residents fed-up with poor drainage

“Our properties have been flooded and we have had water running into the entrances of our homes."

Poor drainage, caused by clogged pipelines, impacts Browning Street residents, who say their homes have been flooded during heavy rain because of the blockages.

Residents, who spoke to the Courier but did not want to be named, said their problems date back to 2022 when a contractor got a tender for the section of Browning Street that was part of the coal truck route. However, they claim the contractor did them no favours by leaving rubble at the side of the road that ultimately ended up in the drains – resulting in the blockages and flooding.

“We have had to cope with a bad smell and health concerns because of these problems,” said one unhappy woman who expressed her displeasure at the situation. Residents say that their complaints to their ward councillor have fallen on deaf ears and that their ‘only option was to expose the issue via the Courier newspaper’.
The municipality has been contacted for a response, which will be published once received.


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