Dundee Courier

Former Dundonian, Astrid powers her way to World Classic Powerlifting Champs in Lithuania

"I want to show first and foremost that I can be strong like a woman, and if that inspires even one other woman to do difficult things and go against what we have been told to, that will be a bonus."

Former Dundee resident and gymnast Astrid Schwarz is in Vilnius, Lithuania, where she is part of the SA Open Women’s Powerlifting team competing at the IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships.
Astrid (39), who left Dundee when she was 15 and now lives in Cape Town, received her Protea Colours in April after competing in the SA Powerlifting National Championships in Potchefstroom (only her third competition). She is thrilled with her achievement! Competing in the 69kg weight class division, she has already racked up an array of feats and holds the SA record in the Women’s Master 1 Division when she set a new squat record of 150kg in April last year.

Astrid fondly remembers growing up in Dundee with her parents, Bernhard and Erene Schwarz.
“My journey began in Dundee when I was seven years old and I was part of the then Gymnastics Club in Glencoe, where Debbie Boschoff was my coach. I recently made contact with Debbie after all these years and it has been incredible to update her on the journey I’ve taken in sports, through to adulthood,” Astrid told the Courier.

“She was an incredible coach and I am so thankful for the impact she made in my life, that lives on as an athlete to this day. This set a solid foundation for me to build upon as I grew into an adult and delved into other sports.”
She started weight-lifting in 2016 when she was a CrossFit athlete, but it was in October 2022 that she started training specifically in powerlifting.

Astrid is involved in three powerlifting disciplines: Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift.

“I compete specifically in the IPF division of powerlifting, where we are drug tested and form part of WADA (competing for clean, drug-free sport). I train solo in a small home gym, five days a week, with a remote coach who does all my programming. I also have a remote nutrition coach who helps me stay on track with fuelling for performance as an athlete. I could join a gym, but being the sole owner of my own apparel company, I need a practical way to combine my passion for the work I do and my training in a way that complements my daily schedule. Training from home works well for me and my business.”
Asked what her future plans are, Astrid said she hopes to compete at the highest level for many years ‘as long as my body will allow me’.

“Society tends to tell us to ‘slow down’ the older we get.
“I find this is drilled more so into women – to think we can’t get stronger as we get older, but we can.
“I’ve watched women competing in powerlifting in age 70+ categories, breaking records in their age and weight divisions, and I want to be among the women who go against the grain.”

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