Dundee Courier

Body of security guard retrieved from reservoir

The tragic death of the guard has seen a major water outage in the area.

Dundee SAPS have confirmed that the body of a 38-year-old security guard was today recovered from the Biggarsberg Water Works on Mpat hill.

Constable Siyabonga Nkwanyana of the Umzinyathi SAPS Command told the Courier that the guard had been reported missing on Tuesday.

‘A search was launched near the water works where he had been on duty but there was no trace of him,” Constable Nkwanyana said.

Today members of the Durban Central K9 search and rescue, and Glencoe K9 together with Dundee Detectives conducted an initial investigation.

“It was established that the security guard might be in the reservoir. His  body was extracted from the reservoir and identified as the missing man “

SAPS could not confirm the circumstances regarding the guard’s death or how he ended up in the reservoir.

The resultant search has seen Endumeni without water for around 24 hours after the reservoir was drained and disinfected.

Umzinyathi officials said it would take time for the reservoir to fill up and water to be restored.

Residents have asked for water tankers to be dispatched to allow homeowners access to clean water. There has been no immediate response from Umzinyathi.


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