Voting gets off to a misty, chilly start in the Dundee district

Despite the usual early morning teething problems, voting in central Dundee got off to a slow but happy start.

Election Day dawned misty in the Endumeni district with a chill forcing many early-morning voters to wear thick jackets.

There was a delayed start at Dundee Junior with a queue forming before the opening time of 7am. There was some confusion over where voters had to go as the voting station was divided into two sub-stations – depending on surnames – A – M, N – Z.

At one point, members of the press had to direct voters to the correct stations until an IEC official eventually put up the correct signs. After that, the process ran smoothly.

Those who voted commented that the process was slow with the folding of the three ballot papers and placing these in two separate envelopes time-consuming. Nevertheless, there was an amicable atmosphere with those in the queue helping the elderly and the disabled to get to the front of the line.

There was more of a party atmosphere at Dundee Secondary’s voting station on Browning Street with most parties manning tables from where they blared out music and supporters danced in the street.

Again, the atmosphere was relaxed and the number of voters still trickling in.

Watch for more updates during the day.

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