Dannhauser march highlights the plight of those in Gaza

“All people deserve to live in harmony, without fear of being attacked - especially women and children who have borne the brunt of the onslaught.”

Ongoing concern over the war in the Gaza strip prompted community activists in Dannhauser to organise a march to highlight the plight of civilians in the enclave who face daily bombings and attacks from Israeli forces.

The war started in October last year and shows no sign of ending. Farzanah Dookie said the ‘terrible plight faced by those living in Gaza needs to be highlighted as South Africans prepare to mark 30 years of democracy on Freedom Day’.

Around 35,000 people have been killed so far in the attacks which have been in the spotlight since the war began. She said the march was organised ‘within three days’ with the assistance of the ANC in Dannhauser, of which she is a member, and Dannhauser Municipality, with the backing of Mayor Radebe. “The march was supported by an ANC member of the KZN Legislature, P Zulu, and we thank all those who came out to support this day.

“We pray that peace will come to Gaza and that the atrocities will halt,” concluded Dookie.

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