Dundee Courier

Urgent need for blood donors to come forward

SANBS requires 3500 units of blood every day

The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) is facing serious blood stock shortages due to current weather conditions and a higher-than-usual demand for blood.

SANBS requires 3500 units of blood every day and is urging all potential and present blood donors who are scheduled to donate to go to a SANBS blood donation facility and donate their precious unit of blood.

“With little blood available on hand, this will have a severe impact on the patients who rely on life-saving blood transfusions,” said Thandi Mosupye, SANBS senior manager: marketing, communication and brand. “Whenever our blood stocks reach below three days, it places the lives of patients at risk; the lives of haemorrhaging mothers, newborn babies, accident victims, and thousands of other patients in need of a blood transfusion,” Mosupye added.
Each blood donation provides patients with a second chance to spend time with their loved ones; another Christmas to remember, another beach vacation, another birthday party.
To become a blood donor, you must:
• Be between the ages of 16 and 75;
• Weigh 50kg or more;
• Be in excellent health;
• Lead a healthy lifestyle;
• Believe your blood is safe for transfusion to a patient;
• Commit to donating blood on a regular basis.

For more information on where you may give blood, go to www.sanbs.org.za or contact 0800 11 90 31.
Follow us on Twitter at @theSANBS, Facebook at @SANBS, and Instagram at @thesanbs.

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