Dundee Courier

Endumeni Municipality to clamp down on illegal firework sellers

Law enforcement officers will be carrying out inspections throughout the municipal area to ensure compliance

Anyone selling fireworks in the run-up to the festive season must comply with municipal regulations.

MA Nsibande, chief of traffic and fire in Endumeni, told the Courier that the municipality had received numerous complaints about some businesses selling fireworks illegally.

“Businesses wishing to deal in fireworks need to adhere to the Municipal by laws. This situation has caused disturbances in the community. It must be noted that anyone selling these kind of products needs to comply with our Municipal by-laws available at https://endumeni.gov.za/index.php/by-laws/

Anyone wanting more information may contact Mr Nsibande at 063 0674 7458.

Law enforcement officers will be carrying out inspections throughout the municipal area to ensure compliance.

Asked about the discharging of fireworks by members of the public, Mr Nsibande referred to the Courier to the Municipal website.

Please see below on the laws regarding this:

The discharge of fireworks within the municipal area is unlawful with the exception of the
following days:
5 November
1 January; and
The seven (7) days of the Deepavali Festival;
and any other day for the public display of fireworks if Council’s permission is first
obtained prior to the event.
3.1 It shall be unlawful for any person to use or explode any fireworks:-
(a) Within 500 meters of any explosives magazine, explosives factory,
petroleum depot or gasometer; or
(b) In any building or on any public thoroughfare or public place
without the prior consent of the Council;
3.2 No person, other than a technician, shall operate a public display of fireworks
on any premises without the written consent of the Municipal Manager acting
on the recommendation of the local designated fire officer;
3.3 Such permission shall stipulate the conditions to be complied with and noncompliance with any of these conditions shall constitute an offence under this
3.4 Application for permission to operate a public display of fireworks shall be
made in writing and set forth:-
(a) The name of the person or organization sponsoring the display
together with the names of the persons actually in charge of the firing of
the display who shall be at least 18 years of age and competent for
the work;
(b) The date and time of day at which the display is to be held;
(c) The exact location planned for the display;
(d) A description setting forth the age and qualifications of the persons who
are to do the actual discharging of the fireworks;
(e) The numbers and kinds of fireworks to be discharged; and
(f) The manner and place of storage of such fireworks prior to the display;
(g) A diagram of the grounds on which the display is to be held showing:
(i) the point at which the fireworks are to be discharged, which shall be at
least 100 meters from
the nearest building, road, or railway, and at least 20 meters from the
nearest telephone, telegraph or power line, tree or other overhead
(ii) The direction in which aerial fireworks, if any, are to be fired;
(iii) The area to be kept clear of persons which shall extend at least 50
meters from the front and to the sides of the point at which the
fireworks are to be discharged;
(iv) The area to be kept clear on which falling residue from aerial
fireworks is expected to drop, which shall extend for at least 100
meters to the rear of the firing point; and
(v) The location of all buildings and roads within 200 meters of the firing
site and of all the trees, telegraph or telephone lines or others
overhead obstructions at or adjacent to the firing site.
(h) Completion of an indemnity form absolving the Council from any civil
(i) Acknowledgement that authority is at Council’s discretion and that the
requirements of legislation will be complied with.
3.5 At a public display of fireworks it shall be an offence:-
(a) For any person wilfully to enter or remain in that area
reserved for receiving falling residue from aerial fireworks;
(b) for any unauthorised person wilfully to proceed beyond that area
demarcated by the organizers of the display for spectators; and
(c) To disobey the instruction of a uniformed law enforcement offer.


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