Methodist women celebrate Garden Day

“Gardening has been part of human beings for the longest time, but people lost interest in it because of civilization and socio-economic conditions.”

October 20 was National Garden Day and so the Mondlo Methodist women took it upon themselves to learn more about gardening at home.
The event was opened by vice-president Erica Zulu, who read a scripture from Proverbs 18-10, stating that ‘the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe’. Zulu further explained that a strong tower is a tall narrow building where people used to hide themselves during wars; because it is narrow, it makes it difficult for people with luggage to access it. “Let’s prepare ourselves to get into the tower of God and leave out our entire luggage.”
Nokuthala Mathe, who is a representative from the Department of Agriculture, shared more knowledge about gardening. She said, “Gardening has been part of human beings for the longest time, but people lost interest in it because of civilization and socio-economic conditions.” She encouraged all women to pick up a shovel and start a home garden, also motivating them to use open spaces within their communities because growing their own food provides fresh, natural nourishment and saves money. She also mentioned that gardening provides physical activity and an opportunity to interact with nature.
Representatives then put on a demonstration on how different seeds are planted. All the women were given an opportunity to plant seeds.
Nomusa Mathebula extended a vote of thanks on behalf of the Mondlo women (Manyano) and the invited guests.

ALSO READ: Methodist Church women celebrate one another on Women’s Day


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