communityVryheid Herald

Bringing back pageants to motivate the youth

“We urge people to focus on young people and their dreams, not only on things they will benefit from.”

Young girls and boys recently took part in the ‘Mr and Miss Little AbaQulusi’ beauty pageant, which was held at the Cecil Emmet Hall.
The pageant was organised by Mrs Nana Khumalo, who explained that, “When we were still young, we used to have these kinds of pageants here in AbaQulusi, but as the years went by, they were no more. We are trying to bring back this spirit. Last year we had one and this is the second; it will be taking place every year.”
Khumalo enjoys working with the youth and knows that beauty pageants can have an incredibly positive influence on young people. She used to be a model herself and the last time she took part in a pageant, she won the ‘Mrs Zululand’ title.
Khumalo also hosts ‘teen talk’ events where teenagers have an opportunity to address different issues bothering them. She invites guests to motivate the teens. The guests include young people who were on the ‘wrong path’ in life but later changed for the better, such as girls who became teen moms and boys who were once victims of substance abuse. Khumalo ‘collects’ girls from her area and teaches them about pageants and how one behaves when modelling.
She urges municipalities not to shy away from supporting and sponsoring events for young people, as she says they are the future generation. “We urge people to focus on young people and their dreams, not only on things they will benefit from.”

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The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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