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Newcastle SAPS offer personal safety tips

Always be alert to your surroundings. Look around and be observant and do not become distracted:

“As a reminder, the SAPS Newcastle Communication Department offers the following practical suggestions for personal safety and security that you can and should incorporate into your daily routine regardless of where you are, whether at work or at home,” says Newcastle SAPS corporate communications officer, Lizzy Arumugam.

  • Do not walk alone. Instead walk in groups with co-workers as there is strength in numbers.
  • Convey a sense of confidence and do not present yourself as timid or lost while walking.
  • Dress appropriately, wear shoes that you can run in, if necessary.
  • Do not display your valuables such as watches and jewellery in plain view.

“Always be alert to your surroundings. Look around and be observant and do not become distracted by telephone conversations, window shopping, etc. “

  • Walk in well-lit and high traffic areas where you can both see and be easily seen.
  • Use sidewalks and stay near the street away from dark building entryways.
  • Avoid shortcuts through alleys and wooded areas.

“Have a cell phone and keep it readily available such as in your hand (but again don’t allow yourself to become distracted by texting, checking Facebook etc.) immediately report all suspicious activities to the police. “

  • If you are being followed by someone on foot, immediately cross the street and proceed to a location where there are likely to be other people such as into a business.

“Above all else always trust your instincts; they are usually correct, so if something doesn’t seem right, immediately remove yourself from the situation,” she concluded.

The news provided to you in this link has been investigated and compiled by the editorial staff of the Newcastle Advertiser, a sold newspaper distributed in the Newcastle area. Please follow us on Youtube and feel free to like, comment, and subscribe. For more local news, visit our webpage, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and request an add on our WhatsApp (082 874 5550).

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