Community blocks N2 after truck crashes into house

It is believed that the driver lost control of the vehicle and veered off the road into a homestead in the Waterbus area.

Community members blocked the N2 road after a tipper truck crashed into a house on Thursday.It is believed that the driver lost control of the vehicle and veered off the road into a homestead in the Waterbus area.

The situation in the aftermath of the crash was said to be ‘quite tense’. Infuriated community members decided to block the N2 road, not allowing tipper trucks to move. The driver of the truck that was involved in the accident ran for his life and was not found.
The community said that towing services would not be allowed to remove the tipper truck until the truck owner arrived at the scene. Public Order Policing (POP), the SAPS, Road Traffic Inspectorate (RTI) and National Traffic Police were among the emergency services that monitored the situation and allowed traffic to flow, as part of the road was obstructed by coal that had been offloaded from the tipper truck by protesting community members.

Later that afternoon, Member of National Parliament Mr Myeni, along with the speaker of Phongola Municipality, arrived at the scene. It is said that the community started to get unruly at this stage, stripping the truck and damaging the diesel tank.
No injuries were sustained, but officials from various organisations were dispatched to the scene to monitor the situation throughout the night.

ALSO READ: Communities say NO to trucks

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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