Security guard allegedly commits double murder

Police traced the previous night’s movements of the bakkie, which led them to an area in Paulpietersburg

A security guard is believed to have killed the man he was guarding and then his own father.
Drone operator Navindrin Pillay (28) and his appointed security guard were working at the Paddafontein railway line in Paulpietersburg on Monday, August 8, and when the security shifts changed, the supervisor did not receive any notification from either of the two men. This sparked the manager to enquire about the location of their vehicle to determine the reason why they hadn’t changed shifts. The tracker in the bakkie led them to a property in Lakeside.

The security company sent out a team to check on the vehicle, but when they approached, the bakkie drove straight towards them. The security company stopped the vehicle and a shoot-out ensued. The suspect fired a shot and wounded one of the security officials. The suspect grabbed a bag of money from the bakkie and fled the scene on foot. The incident was called in to headquarters and the police were contacted as well. Investigations led to the suspect’s home, which was around the corner from where the vehicle was stopped. Traces of blood were found at the half open door. The team went back to the vehicle and upon searching it, they found the suspect’s father’s body rolled up in a blanket in the back of the bakkie. It is believed that the suspect and his father had a disagreement that led to the murder. Police and other role players investigated the scene and found one spent 9mm cartridge where the vehicle was parked.

Police traced the previous night’s movements of the bakkie, which led them to an area in Paulpietersburg. Pillay’s body was found in a donga next to the railway line, where they had been working the previous day. He had a gunshot wound to the left side of the head.

The security company has declined to comment on the situation and only said that the case is under ongoing investigation by police. The suspect’s identity is known to police, but he has not been found as yet.

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The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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