‘Tough times never last’ by Halalisani Shoba

 When you are going through a dry season, even those you trusted they turn their backs on you when you ask for water, it is part of life.

                                                                                        Halalisani Shoba 

 Once again, I don’t know what you are going through, I don’t know what you are struggling with at the moment. I guess, you have been trying, and probably you still trying but with no breakthrough. The worst thing you can do, is to convince yourself that luck is not on your side. I remember seven years ago, as I was going through hell at that time, someone who was encouraging me to keep going, told me that “Luck favours the brave” which simply means, a successful person is often one who is willing to take risks.

I spent a lot of time thinking past weeks and I’ve realised that there are people who think I’m living my life to please them, and there are people who will try by all means to dictate your life, especially when you find yourself in a position of being powerless at that particular time. If you want to know how tough you are, learn to embrace and appreciate tough times. Tough times will reveal true colours of certain individuals you thought they’ve got your back; tough times will teach you some valuable lessons about things happening around you.

When you are going through a dry season, even those you trusted they turn their backs on you when you ask for water, it is part of life. During dry season, you forget the scent of love, the sound of genuine laughter, at times you tend to forget yourself. The worst thing you can do, is to hate and hold grudges towards those who thought your dry season will last forever. ‘Tough times never last but tough people do’, and ‘everything has its own time, and there is a specific time for every activity under heaven’. Do not die on your dry season.

Someone once wrote, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want”. If you are going through a difficult period at the moment, I wish you can grow the strength and understand that indeed, ‘tough times never last’. If you have plenty at the moment, I wish you can be smart enough to remain humble with an understanding that, one hand washes the other and there’s no school that will teach you better about UBUNTU.

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