Ex-matrics reunite years later

School principal Mrs Zulu was overwhelmed by the occasion and thanked the former students for returning to the school and giving back.

Oscarsberg Primary’s ‘Class of 1987’ held a reunion at the school on Saturday.
The reunion, after 35 years, was the brainchild of one of the former scholars, Nompumelelo Cebekhulu, who decided
to look for her former classmates and also give back to the underprivileged children at the school.
A moment of silence was dedicated to all the matriculants of 1987 who have since passed on. The principal and teachers shared the stage as they all walked down memory lane, speaking about how things were ‘back in the day’.
Mr Zulu, who still teaches at the school, spoke fondly
about the ‘Class of 87’. He reminded them about the  subjects he taught, which were Religious Studies and Agriculture. “In life, a person must always show their strengths and not focus on their weaknesses, have a heart,
passion and love,” said Zulu. He added that learners
must always have a positive attitude if they want to
make it in life and to always portray their God-given
personality, no matter what. He concluded by saying
that life’s experiences are what shape a person, but
bad experiences should not define you as an individual.
Education CMC Miss Khoza was also one of the guest  speakers and she told the crowd that as an education inspector, she has never been invited to such an event.
“We are blessed to be a blessing to others,” said Khoza. She added that the purpose of this event was for former  learners to give back to the school, as well as to the community of Shiyane. Khoza also highlighted the importance of education and the vital role parents need to play in making their children successful beings. “Without education, our children won’t have a future. We need to be
exemplary parents to them and instil the culture of education,” said Khoza. She also told parents and teachers never to give up on their children and always be willing to go the extra mile for them. She concluded by saying that public schools are for the community and therefore they need to be conducive to learning.
School principal Mrs Zulu was overwhelmed by the occasion and thanked the former students for returning
to the school and giving back. “I am very honoured
and humbled today. When Nompumelelo called me
and told me about wanting to organise this reunion, I
was very happy,” she said. She also thanked the ‘Class of 87’ for getting together and remembering where it
all started. Nompumelelo and her former classmates
handed over school uniforms to the disadvantaged pupils
and also donated new netball kit to the school, as well as party packs and cosmetics to the scholars.
There was jubilant song and dance, and the learners recited poems to thank the ‘Class of 87’.

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