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school raises awareness about TB,teen pregnancy and albinism

‘’The main focus is to help the learners so they are fully aware of all these things, because most of them do not know much about these topics.‘’

Learners at Harpo Primary School had a Pyjama Day on Wednesday last week and were also given some insight into tuberculosis (TB), teenage pregnancy and albinism.

Mr Mhlungu and Mr Kubheka, who teach Life Skills at the school, worked alongside learner support agent Asande Thabethe to conduct an awareness campaign consisting of topics that are relevant to the youth. Asande mentioned that it was an educational programme initiated to educate the learners.

‘’The main focus is to help the learners so they are fully aware of all these things, because most of them do not know much about these topics.‘’ She continued that some of the learners are from homes where fellow family members are not educated, so she wanted them to go home and impart what they had learnt to others in the community.

Mr Kubheka stated that they included the topic of albinism because it was International Albinism Day on June 13. The aim was to stop discrimination on the basis of stereotypes and do away with the stigma attached to albinism.

Sister Phumzile Mavuso from Vryheid District Hospital addressed the learners about TB – what it stands for and what it is. She said, ‘’People tend to forget that TB is still a ‘thing’, since their main focus is now Covid-19 and the HIV/Aids pandemic.”

”Learners must know the symptoms of TB and also the causes, as TB is infectious. If one family member contracts this disease, the whole family must get themselves checked.’’ She went on to say that TB is curable if one takes medication.

‘’There are different types of TB, so some people will be on medication for six months while others will be on medication for nine months. Poverty is one of the many reasons for TB in families. If a child is not getting the right nutrition, they are more vulnerable to TB. Cleanliness and hygiene also plays a vital role; that is why it is important to clean surfaces at home and open the windows every morning.’’

She concluded by saying that the youth are encouraged to abstain from sexual intercourse to prevent teenage pregnancy, HIV/Aids and other sexually-transmitted diseases.
Asande further mentioned that several educational programmes will be seen at Harpo Primary before the year ends.

ALSO READ:Harpo Primary fosters a love of the written word

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