Piping hot meals for the community

The Food for Life Estcourt team continues to keep tummies full

Food for Life Estcourt again distributed meals on May 28 and reached another milestone in the process.

Since 2019, Food for Life Estcourt volunteers have made it their mission to keep hunger at bay within the community.

Food for Life Estcourt volunteers Rakesh Jaichand, Madan Mohan Das (back) with Subadra and Salochana Naidoo.

To date, the group has dished out thousands of nutritious vegetarian meals to residents across the length and breadth of the municipal area.

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At the recent feed, the small group of volunteers notched up another record when the total number of meals prepared during the ‘feeds’ reached 15,000.

500 meals were distributed in Forderville, Colita and to the learners at Estcourt Secondary School.

This generous lunch was donated in memory of Soorjee (Nora) Sukdea.

“This takes our branch to the ‘15,000 meals distributed’ milestone. This achievement is dedicated to His Holiness Krishna Das Swami Maharaj,” said Lokeshwar Das from Food for Life Estcourt.

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