NewsSchoolsVryheid Herald

Hoërskool Vryheid vier Paasfees

The group made use of skits and dances to spread the message of Easter

Nog `n kort week vir Hoërskool Vryheid. Met al die vier-dae weke gaan die leerders behoorlik skouer aan die wiel moet sit in die dae wat hulle by die skool is. Die rapporte is op Maandag, 11 April, uitgedeel en die leerders kon sien of hulle met hierdie harde werk die vrugte daarvan kon pluk. Die eerste kwartaal se oueraand is geskeduleer gewees vir 13 April, maar is ongelukkig kortgeknip deur ons getroue beurtkrag. Gelukkig kon die ouers en onderwysers op die sonlig staatmaak om hulle pad deur die skool te vind en soos klokslag het die krag weer 18:00 aangekom. Dit het die geleentheid vir ouers gebied om wel die onderwysers te besoek by wie hulle nie sou uitkom nie.

The ACTS group has been busy preparing for this week for the last few months. On Monday, the group went to NRS Primary School to show the learners what they have been working on for so long. The Grade 8s and 9s had the opportunity to see the group’s performance on Wednesday morning and the Grade 10-12s were able to see this performance on Thursday. The group made use of skits and dances to spread the message of Easter, not only to the primary school learners but also to their peers. They also prepared various skits for the different age groups to make sure that the message reached their target audience. This also gave them the opportunity to showcase their talents and enjoy something they are very good at.

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ALSO READ: Hoërskool Vryheid meet kragte teen Empangeni

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