Local Singer releases Afro Jazz single

Cebo thanks God and her ancestors for her angelic voice, and says she will continue to release songs in the future.

The entertainment industry is said to be cut-throat and not easy to get into it, but a young woman by the name of Cebo Dikane is ready to ‘face the music’ with her new Afro Jazz single.

Cebo has released a single entitled ‘Uthandolwami’ (meaning ‘my love’) under the Khoisan music label. This bubbly and outspoken musician from Kwagwebu in the rural area explains that from a young age, she always stood out from her peers. ‘’I was always in the spotlight, so I guess I was preparing myself for now,’’ she quips with a smile. ‘’Every time there were singing competitions at school, I would take part, as the lead singer of course. The teachers knew that if I sang, my group would definitely win.’’

Cebo says that singing is very close to her heart because, after she finished school, she received Jesus Christ as her Saviour and normally sang as a worshipper in church. In the year 2010, while working at Vryheid prison, she taught prisoners how to sing. She went on to form a choir group where white, black, Chinese and foreign national people all took part in singing Gospel and Zionist music, Cebo received an award for the formation of the choir. “After receiving that award, my passion for music grew even stronger and I really wanted to record and be in music for a living.’’

‘’In 2014, while I was studying to become a teacher, I had the guts to compose and start recording in the studio, I composed this song, ‘Uthando Lwami’, which is mainly about love. I wrote it after my partner paid lobola (dowry) for me. I was still in love at the time, but due to my ancestors’ calling, my life was changed.’’

Cebo thanks God and her ancestors for her angelic voice, and says she will continue to release songs in the future. ‘’I would also like to thank my family and supporters for believing in me. People can get this track at the link: qobuz.com/us-en/album, I do not consider myself a celebrity, but people can book me to perform by calling 078 428 8857.” ALSO READ:Local lass makes it big on Idols SA

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