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DUNDEE KZN: We need change

If we don’t fight for ourselves, who will? We need to challenge the evil system that is in existence before we completely lose our country to those who have no conscience.

Halalisani Shoba

Crime, high rate of unemployment, potholes, and corruption. Feel free, that alone best define almost all towns and cities in our ‘lovely’ South Africa.
The loyalty you have for your desired political party is unnecessary if one day we will wake up and learn that our beloved country has been listed as one of the failing states in the world because of some individual’s negligence. I’m glad there are no elections until 2024, so this article is pure.
Since the last national elections were held. Honestly, I do not see any improvements in our country. Is it even still our country, does South Africa belong to South African citizens or it just belongs to everyone permitted or not? If it belongs to everyone then it is painful to pay tax on behalf of those who are not permitted to be in our space as South African citizens. The main reason why I’m touching on this sensitive topic is that I have been around many towns including our cities here in KwaZulu Natal. It is so disturbing to witness what I have been witnessing and I know you have been witnessing it too but we all decide to remain silent just because we have no power to change the situation. Do we still even have borders in South Africa? Well, I guess that is just a rhetorical question.
We must be able to differentiate between ‘hate’ and ‘plain truth’. South Africa no longer belongs to South African citizens. In Durban they have a famous ‘China Mall’, I don’t know perhaps there is ‘South Africa Mall’ in one of the cities around China. It is not only China Mall that I am concerned about, there is a street in our Capital City known as Pietermaritz and many other places. What is happening there? Did they capture our capital city? I don’t think so; someone must be responsible, thanks to silver and gold coins!
We are just like animals living on the farm. Soon our government will be celebrating 28 years of democracy, while our roads look like open graves and we still have municipalities who have no access just to clean water. I am using clean water as the basic example because I believe every law-abiding citizen of South Africa has the right to access clean water. Is it fair and justified that until today we are still faced and complaining about the issues related to service delivery in our communities? Maybe if I were a politician, I would have a better understanding of the difficulties when it comes to providing the basic needs to the people but again how can a clueless person provide what is essential to people.
I believe the time is now! The youth of South Africa need to take a stand. We need a change in this country. The main reason we have a high rate of unemployment; is because we are also folding arms. Thousands of graduates are suffering from depression as we speak. We are unemployed and fine with that, anyway social media and alcohol keep us busy. When are we going to take matters into our own hands in order to improve our lives?
If we don’t fight for ourselves, who will? We need to challenge the evil system that is in existence before we completely lose our country to those who have no conscience.
The matter of fact is that within different political organisations and some institutions there are structures and individuals that still advocate for justice, better lives, and equal opportunities for the citizens in different communities. In terms of corruption, I can’t claim that everyone is corrupt; hence it is important to offer compliments where they are due.
The youth of the beloved country is in our hands. We have the power to challenge and change the system in our favour. We cannot continue to have leaders with no vision, leaders who don’t share the same sentiments with us. They just don’t care about our well-being.
We need educated voices to guide and lead us not into temptations of stealing the funds that are meant to improve the infrastructures and assist in creating job opportunities within our communities.
If it was for me, at this time and age. It wouldn’t be about politics but the individuals with the vision to take the people out of slavery caused by some ignorant people. They have proved to us multiple times that they are power-hungry with the only concern of their needs. Hence I plead with you to challenge the system which is failing us. Let us start today to do it right and correct their mistakes, it won’t be easy but it is possible. In everything we do, let us be encouraged to do better and be the main change that we want to see.

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