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ESTCOURT KZN: Cogta MEC visits rural Loskop communities

While the MEC was in good spirits at the handover ceremony, he cautioned residents against vandalism of vital infrastructure within the community

Residents from eMandabeni and eMoyeni in Loskop (Amangwe) welcomed Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC Sipho Hlomuka this morning (October 19).

Along with the MEC and his delegation came the reality of fresh drinking water to these rural areas.

The purpose of the MEC’s visit was to handed over production boreholes that were built by the department.

While the MEC was in good spirits at the handover ceremony, he cautioned residents against vandalism of vital infrastructure within the community.

“One of the biggest challenges facing communities in the municipality is the damage and vandalism of critical infrastructure that brings water. Recently the village of Thembalihle in Ward 19 had no water as a result of a cable theft incident in which a pump station was ransacked by criminals who stripped it of crucial cables which negatively impacted the ability of the community to receive water, ” said Mr Hlomuka.

READ MORE HERE: Residents experience more water ‘challenges’

In addition, he called upon residents to work closely with law enforcement agencies by reporting any suspicious activities.

“Our municipalities are losing millions of rands every year as a result of cable theft, this is hampering our efforts as a government to bring water to our communities. We as the communities must take a stand against these criminals” he added.

As part of this visit, MEC Hlomuka also handed over lightning conductors to the two villages which have had incidents in the past.

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