MunicipalNewsVryheid Herald

VRYHEID KZN: Continued efforts to sort out water challenges

AbaQulusi Municipality is committed to addressing these ongoing challenges

(submitted by municipality)

The municipality is making continuous efforts in resolving the water challenges facing AbaQulusi residents. We can confirm that the parts for the abstraction pump at Klipfontein Dam, that were due to arrive on Friday, will arrive on Wednesday. The installation of parts will take approximately a day to complete, and the water supply situation is expected to return to normal by Friday, August 27.

Currently, water is being provided from Bloemveld and from a submersible pump at Klipfontein abstraction works. The current arrangement can only supply 70 percent of the demand for water per day, hence the current intermittent water supply problems experienced by consumers. With the help of Zululand District Municipality, the water service provider responsible for AbaQulusi Municipality, an additional standby pump for Klipfontein abstraction works has been procured and is expected to arrive at the end of October. The addition of the standby pump will greatly contribute to the long-term sustainability of water supply in AbaQulusi.

Maintenance to road infrastructure, especially the filling of potholes, will continue as planned, with extra resources allocated to this section as from Monday, August 30. Additionally, maintenance of street lights and the installation of new fittings and lights will commence within the next two weeks; once stock has been received from the suppliers.

AbaQulusi Municipality is committed to addressing these ongoing challenges and wishes to thank the residents for their understanding while we are resolving the issues.

ALSO READ: VRTHEID KZN: Huge potholes in Stillwater Road

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