CrimeLadysmith GazetteNews

Ladysmith KZN: Trio of suspects rob business in Colenso

The robbers took an undisclosed sum of money and then fled

The owner of Puma Garage in Colenso was robbed on Monday morning (January 11).

It is alleged that the victim was outside his business at about 5.15am when three unknown male suspects approached him.

They ordered him into his office, where they forced the business owner to open a safe.

The robbers took an undisclosed sum of money and then fled without injuring the business owner.

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A business robbery case was opened and registered in Colenso. No arrests have yet been made and police are investigating the case.

Anyone who has knowledge of the suspects is requested to provide this information to the police by calling the 0860010111 toll-free number, or use the ‘MYSAPS’ App.

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