DUNDEE KZN: Law enforcement battle to get residents to mask up

The public are warned that a R300 is applicable for not obeying an officer's instructions to mask up

How do you save a nation that does not want to save itself?

These are the harsh thoughts of law enforcement officials in Endumeni who are battling to get residents to comply with the new lockdown measures that require the mandatory wearing of face masks in public and, among other regulations, to remain indoors from 9pm to 5.

While the Dundee Magistrate’s Court has set a fine of R300 for not complying with a ‘verbal instruction of an enforcement officer to wear a mask in public’, a R1500 fine for breaking the curfew, a R3000 fine for selling liquor and a R1500 fine for consuming liquor in a public place, it appears as if many residents have adopted a ‘hardcore approach’ when it comes to following the rules.

This comes after a surge in Covid-19 infections and deaths in the District. The Department of Health does not release specific figures but does release statistics according to district.

The last figure had the Umzinyathi District at over 4000 cases and almost 150 deaths.

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